9 April 2013

TRAFFIC IS KING - To Make Money Online

Have you ever heard people complaining that they've spent so much money building the best website ever but they don't understand why they aren't making any money?

Not making any money?
Not making any money?

There could be thousands of reasons for this but I'll be in most cases the problem is simply that they don't have enough (or any) traffic to their website.  

Why do you think ebay is the best place to sell second hand products on line? Because they have traffic on tap - you don't have to do anything to get visitors to your site - they're already there waiting, with their wallets open ready to buy!

Imagine a real shop. Traffic is the number of customers walking past your shop and looking in your window.These are potential buyers. Without this foot traffic you would have no customers and no sales. Why do you think retailers pay huge money to have a shop in the busiest shopping centre in town? Because they have loads more traffic and therefor a better chance of converting shoppers into buyers.

Your online store or website is exactly the same. If you have no visitors coming to your website you will get no sales no matter how amazing your website is!

So when you're budgeting money and time to building your online business, don't just concentrate on building your site. You need to devote most of your time to finding ways to bring in traffic to your site - this is the only way you will every make money!

There are 2 main ways to bring traffic to your site:

1. Paid traffic - this is where you pay money to place ads on the internet about your website eg they may appear on google search pages or other people's websites. You hope that  people click on the link and visit your site. 

This can be a very effective way to bring in traffic to your site but if you don't know what you are doing it can be a very costly and unsuccessful approach. 

2. Free traffic - for people starting out making money online particularly if you don't want to risk any money free traffic is the perfect place to start. Not only is it free but if implemented correctly is can be an incredibly effective way to drive traffic to your site. Often even more effective than paid advertising.

There are hundreds of methods, systems, software tools and training to help you do this (or cliam to do this) but the best way to start out is simply to leave comments on other people's blogs or forums that content related to what you have on your site and the same target customers you want.  

You can leave a message on their blog or forum (if they allow it) but the golden nugget is to leave your website address as well . The aim is to get people to follow your link and visit your website. And of course if the blog or forum you are putting your comment on is ranked high in google you will get even more traffic!

Whichever way to decide to go you will need to devote alot of time and effort in trialling different approaches and finding the best method that suits you.

Remember a website without traffic is like a shop in  a ghost town. You  must get traffic to your website if you want to make money online!

In the land of internet marketing never forget TRAFFIC really is KING!
Traffic is king for making money online
Traffic is King for making money online